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FOR RENT. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR RENT. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR RENT. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR RENT. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR RENT. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR SALE. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR SALE. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR SALE. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR SALE. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR SALE. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
FOR RENT. Neon light, mixt media on wood. 120x120cm. 2015
En mi obra empleo la luz, como elemento transformador de la materia, de la esencia de la pintura, de la obra en si misma.

In my work I use the light as a transforming element of matter, the essence of painting, from the art work itself.


Una obra especialmente matérica donde la luz natural y artificial adquieren un papel trascendente. En mi obra empleo la luz, como elemento transformador de la materia, de la esencia de la pintura, de la obra en si misma. El neón tanto en el momento que está conectado, como apagado, posibilita una nueva transformación del recurso plástico, alterando la forma, la luz y color.

Son obras circulares de pintura matérica. Planetas minúsculos, monocromos, sencillos, pero intensamente complejos en sus formas internas, en lo gestual del proceso pictórico. La luz desempeña un papel esencial y es aquí donde transforma el color y la obra.

En mi obra empleo mensajes infinitamente repetidos en nuestra sociedad: for sale, for rent (en venta, en alquiler). Reclamos para acercar nuevos inquilinos a planetas lejanos, imaginarios, deshabitados… neocolonización que viviremos en un futuro no muy lejano y que nos aleja de nuestro origen devolviéndonos a nuestra esencia como animales nómadas.


A painting, mainly matérica where natural and artificial light acquire a significant role. In my work I use the light as a transforming element of matter, the essence of painting, from the work itself. Neon both when it is switched on, or off, enabling a new transformation of aesthetic appeal, altering the shape, color and light.

They are circular material painting works. Tiny, monochrome, simple, but intensely complex in its internal forms, gestural painting process of planets. Light plays a key role and this is where the color transforms and work. In my work I use endlessly repeated claims in our society: for sale, for rent. We claim to bring new occupants to distant, imaginary, uninhabited planets ... neocolonialism that we´ll live in a not too distant future and that takes us away from our returning us to our essence as nomadic animal origin.

In my work endlessly repeated messages employment in our society: for sale, for rent (for sale, for rent). We claim to bring new tenants to distant, imaginary planets, uninhabited ... neocolonialism that live in the not too distant future and that takes us away from our home by returning to our essence as nomadic animals.