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Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being.
Necessity of being. "S/T." Mixt on canvas. 100x100 cm. 2006 Not available/No disponible
La palabra se vuelve gesto, se diluye el significado y cobra protagonismo el significante. La obra se sitúa en un plano fronterizo entre la pintura y la literatura, dos artes que en esencia usan elementos básicos comunes.

Words become gestures, the signifier dilutes itself and the signified becomes the prominent aspect.
This artwork is between painting and literature, two art forms that, in essence, use basic common elements.


La palabra se vuelve gesto, se diluye el significado y cobra protagonismo el significante. La obra se sitúa en un plano fronterizo entre la pintura y la literatura, dos artes que en esencia usan elementos básicos comunes.

Los signos que a través de reglas conforman un lenguaje en el que prima su contenido, pierden esta característica primordial para pasar a un segundo plano. La forma y el fondo luchan, se solapan, reclaman su protagonismo que ahora han de compartir.

El signo, harto de ser un simple sirviente del significado, se revela bruscamente, pierde sus formas, su orden, deja de ser un elemento predecible y se arroja tremendo al mundo de lo físico, lo formal, dejando atrás el virtual e imaginario proceso literario. El inevitable sacrificio que ha de realizar para conseguir este estado es su propia vida. Camino inverso al religioso método para explicar la muerte de la materia, del ser. El paso de lo físico a lo trascendental.

En la obra que se presenta se torna esta dirección: el signo deja de vivir por propia voluntad, prefiriendo pasar de un plano trascendental, espiritual, a un estado de realidad primaria, mundana; es aquí, en la forma, donde el signo se vuelve libre.

El signo, que ya se ha convertido en forma, no es consciente de su nueva dictadura. Derrocha expresividad, energía, vida, una aparente libertad que no es más que el preludio de una nueva conformidad, unanimidad, un nuevo grupo social con sus propias reglas, usos, abusos y, de nuevo, significados.



Words become gestures, the signifier dilutes itself and the signified becomes the prominent aspect.

This artwork is between painting and literature, two art forms that, in essence, use basic common elements.

Signs that, through combination of rules, shape languages who favor contents, loose their essential characteristic and their relevance becomes secondary. Shape and background dispute, overlap and claim attention that now has to be shared.

Sign, tired of being a simple servant of the signified, abruptly rebels, loosing its shape and order. It stops being a predictable element and throws itself into the physical and formal side of the world. It leaves behind the virtual and imaginary literary process.

The unavoidable sacrifice Sign has to make to reach that state, is its own life. It is the opposite path to the traditional explanation of the death of matter or of the death of being. That is the commonly described step to go from physical to transcendental.

This artwork presents just the opposite: Sign, on its own will, stops living and moves away from the transcendental. It prefers a state of primary and mundane reality. It is now at this state of shape that it is able to get free.

Sign, already shape, is not conscious of its new dictatorship. It exudes expressiveness, energy, and life in an apparent freedom. In reality, it is just the prelude of the adherence and agreement to a new social group that has its own rules, uses, abuses and again, signifiers.